Customers in the picture – Debie and Verkuijl

Customer in Focus Vector Machines - Customer Vector Debie and Verkuijl - Spider Radiographic mower

Last week we delivered another Spider to Debie and Verkuijl heritage gardeners.
This is already the 4de machine! Time to put this customer in the spotlight.

Debie & Verkuijl is a renowned landscape architecture firm known for its heritage expertise. Founded in 2000 by Paul Verkuijl and Patricia Debie, the agency combines its extensive cultural-historical knowledge with years of practical experience in design and implementation, enabling it to respond well to current developments in the heritage sector. The company works on a diverse range of projects, studies and competitions across the Netherlands, covering all scales and aspects of both private and public projects. In addition, the office is socially involved and actively promotes knowledge development in the heritage sector.

Working safely on slopes

Last year there was a symposium on working safely at forts and fortresses, by Liniebreed in collaboration with Debie and Verkuijl.

That day got our Spider plenty of attention already. And rightly so, because what could be safer than working with a machine that can be permanently secured with an integrated hydraulically driven winch?
Here you can find a looking back symposium safety on fortifications.

We would like to thank Debie and Verkuijl for the trust they have placed in Vector Machines.