Maintenance in Winter for Autonomous Mowing Robots on Sports Fields

Winter Maintenance Mowing Robot Sports Field Mowing Robot Echo Football Field | Vector Machinery

Autonomous mowing robots have transformed the way sports fields are maintained. These innovative machines offer efficiency, precision and save time on traditional mowing. However, to ensure that autonomous mowing robots continue to perform optimally, periodic maintenance is crucial. Because grass is no longer mowed during the winter months, we always maintain our mowing robots during this period. This is of course to ensure its performance and lifespan mowing robots for sports fields to ensure. In this article we will delve deeper into winter maintenance for autonomous mowing robots on sports fields, with a focus on cleaning the robot, replacing the blades, updating the software, and checking the electronics and cables.

Cleaning the mowing robot

Cleaning the autonomous mowing robot is an essential step in winter maintenance. During fall and winter, leaves, mud and other dirt particles can accumulate on the robot, which can hinder its operation. Thorough cleaning is necessary to ensure that the sensors, cameras and other components continue to function properly. We use a soft brush to remove dirt and compressed air to blow clean hard-to-reach places. We also have an official washing machine for the mowing robots.

Replacing the blades

Replacing the mowing blades is a standard part of the maintenance process for autonomous mowing robots. During the mowing season, the blades can wear out due to regular use and contact with hard objects such as stones or branches. During the winter period we inspect all knives and replace them if necessary. Sharp blades not only ensure a better mowing result, but also reduce the load on the motors, which extends the life of the robot.

Updating the software (OTA)

Software updates are critical to maintaining autonomous performance and functionality mowing robots on the football fields. Manufacturers regularly release updates to make improvements to navigation algorithms, safety protocols and other aspects of robotics. We do this for our customers and on our machines all year round, we call this an over-the-air update (OTA update), but winter is an ideal time to install the latest software versions.

Checking the electronics and cables

The electronics and cabling of autonomous mowing robots play a crucial role in their operation. During the winter months, moisture and cold can affect the electronic components. We therefore check all connections, cables and wiring for damage and corrosion. Naturally, we also take a critical look at the seals and rubber components (wear and damage), as these can affect the watertightness of the robot. If necessary, damaged cables can be repaired or replaced to ensure optimal performance.

Winter storage of mowing robot

After we do the mowing robots from maintenance have provided and cleaned, we store these in our special racks. This way, the managers of the sports fields do not have to store the mowing robots themselves and we can be sure that the winter conditions will not affect the performance of the coming mowing season.